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Our Job Description

Those of us that identify with Cittaslow see it as an expression of our way of life It is a philosophy in action rather than an activity based group or service organisation. We see it as a way to ensure the continuation of the quality of the lifestyle we enjoy. We see our role as one of support, advocacy, preservation and promotion.


We wish to support other groups and organizations as they undertake activities that reflect Cittaslow values. This support might be, extra hands for an event, a letter of support for an application, or spreading the news.



On behalf of our members, business supporters, associated community groups and the wider community Cittaslow will advocate around issues that impact on the community. We will encourage the creation of Cittaslow friendly policies.


We seek to preserve for future generations the unique qualities of the area especially around the environment and history.



Highlight and celebrate  the production and use of local produce and food producers.


Encourage local crafts people, artists and creative projects

Undertake activities that support our philosophy.


What you will not see us doing

Competing with local organisations we seek co operation not competition

 We require a small pool of funds to operate however we will not undertake large events of major fundraising


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